Module 1: School Poetry

 Module 1: School Poetry

Get Me Out of this Book: Rules & Tools for Being Brave

Ivana Marmolejo


Dakos, Kalli, Deborah Cholette, and Sara Infante. Get Me out of This Book: Rules & Tools for Being Brave. New York: Holiday House, 2019. ISBN: 9780823438624.


Get me out of this Book: Rules & Tools for Being Brave is about a bookmark named Max who tells about his scary encounters in different books. He takes on a trainer who shows him the “RULES AND TOOLS for looking right at SCARY.” (Dakos, Cholette, and Infante 2019). He learns that he needs to take deep breaths, have a plan, and think of only good things to survive the scary situations in which he finds himself. (Dakos, Cholette, and Infante 2019). The book is a single poem with many stanzas, and the entire book is written using personification. Max, the bookmark, narrates the story. 


This book can be enjoyed by all age groups. It especially appeals to children because the pages are filled with colorful illustrations, it is rich in figurative language, and the message is clear: With the right tools, you can get through any challenge. 

Part of the dedication is to Navy SEALs, which served as inspiration for the book. The same three methods that Max uses to overcome his scary encounters are precisely what is taught to Navy SEALs as they encounter their own fearful challenges in their field. 1) Breathe Deeply, 2) Make a Plan, and 3) Think Good Thoughts. (Dakos, Cholette, and Infante 2019).

Elements of poetry include repetition. Max often wails, “Get me out of this book!” The book includes onomatopoeia. “My heart slowed down to ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom…” The graphical elements are also appealing because words are placed on the pages to show movement. For example, when Max encounters a monster with seven heads and describes what each one is doing, each sentence is individually placed on the page. Although one monster, the reader can identify with each monster. By the end of the poem, Max is able to help others because he’s been able to overcome his own fears.

Excerpt and Use

But I remembered that I had RULES and TOOLS, and I knew what to do.

I started to breathe deeply- deep breath in, deep breath out, until I was feeling calm.

I made a plan- I stood up very tall and pretended I was not afraid. 

I thought good thoughts- I could do this! I could handle this! I would be all right!

Using this particular excerpt, I’d ask students to discuss and then write about something that they are worried about, afraid of, or unsure about. I would hand out a sheet to each student with the three Rules and Tools for Being Brave. (Dakos, Cholette, and Infante 2019). We could brainstorm and then discuss how we would apply the three techniques to each situation. As a group, students could discuss how they think the Rules and Tools could help their classmates in their situations. 

Because the book is so short, I could also read the entire book with a class of young children. We could choral read the different parts. I would love to have the words, “Get me out of this book!” displayed on chart paper. (Dakos, Cholette, and Infante 2019). As I am reading, I could gesture to the chart, and students would know when to yell out the words together. I think students would enjoy that very much. 
